China’s Cooperation and Its Role in Shaping a New Center of Power in a Multipolar Scenario




South-South Cooperation, China, Latin America, Africa, North-South, multipolar world, international order, Global South


This essay addresses the current dynamics of South-South cooperation, within the framework of the collaboration that China has been promoting in the search for a balance of power that gives a preponderant role to the Global South. In particular, this cooperation focuses on the regions of Latin America and Africa, historically dominated by North-South geopolitical interaction, which has been ineffective and dangerous for the sovereignty of these nations. Therefore, throughout the work, the preponderant role that China plays in South-South Cooperation will be problematized, configuring a bloc of countries that pave the way towards the emergence of a multipolar world. This transition of the international order is reflected through the cooperation initiatives implemented in the countries of the Global South, framed in a structure whose principles are based on the basis of “win-win”.


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Author Biography

Britney Stephanie Ríos Bermúdez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua.

Estudiante de V año de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales del departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas, UNAN-Managua. Participante en la Jornada Universitaria de Desarrollo Científico (JUDC-2023) en la categoría de ensayo.


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How to Cite

Ríos Bermúdez, B. S. (2024). China’s Cooperation and Its Role in Shaping a New Center of Power in a Multipolar Scenario. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 120–131.



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