Socialization and interaction: social development and identity expressions in Villa Chagüitillo, Matagalpa Nicaragua


  • David Enrique Cunningham Gómez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN-Managua.


In the present study propose to analyze the different spaces of socialization, interaction modes and different manifestations of social, cultural and ethnic factors which determine mechanisms of social development in the community of Villa Chagüitillo. For this research, a literature review was conducted in various texts related to the theme, and bibliographic content that is contrasted with the views of the people of the community. The different spaces of socialization, whether spontaneous or pre-established, are characterized by playing an important role in the social development of each society, due to the transmission of values, customs, traditions, and different cultural representations that manifest themselves in social spaces. However in Villa Chagüitillo, this dynamic has gradually changed by the logic of technological development, which has affected traditional ways of interaction and creating a contrast in the spaces with the socialization of youth groups and older age groups, by the usefulness of technology as a new way of socializing.

Keywords: spaces of socialization, social development, Identity, Interaction


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Author Biography

David Enrique Cunningham Gómez, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN-Managua.

Estudiante de V año de antropología social de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas. UNAN-Managua. Ha participado en las Jornadas Universitarias de Investigación Científica (JUDC) en el año 2015 y 2016. En la actualidad realiza su pasantía en el marco del programa de desarrollo económica de la Fundación Nakawe.


Clifford, J. (1997). Itinerarios Transculturales. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Durkheim, E. (1979). Las reglas del metodo sociologico. Mexico: Quinto sol.

Lapiansky, E. M. (1999). La identidad personal. Paris: Ciencias Humanistas.

Martin-Baró, I. (1983). Accion e Ideologia. San salvador: Universidad


Midgley, J. (1995). Desarrollo social. Londres: Sage.

Pollini, G. (1987). apariencia e identidad. Milan:Franco angeli.

Sen, A. (2000). Desarrollo y libertad. Mexico: Planeta.

Bibliografía de Entrevistas Mendoza, R. (2015, Abril 23). desarrollo

social. (D. Cunningham, Interviewer)

Palacios, L. (2015, abril 21). la escuela y su funcion de aprendisaje de socializacion. (D. Cunningham, Interviewer)

Palacios, L. (2016, Mayo 9). reconfiguración de la identidad en el espacio. (D.

Cunningham, Interviewer)

Valdivia, H. (2016, mayo 11). sentimientos plasmados . (D. Cunningham, Interviewer)

Valdivia, S. (2016, mayo 10). el apodo como parte de la identidad. (D. Cunningham, Interviewer)

Valdivia, S. (2016, Mayo 10). Representación social del campo viejo. (D.

Cunningham, Interviewer)



How to Cite

Cunningham Gómez, D. E. (2017). Socialization and interaction: social development and identity expressions in Villa Chagüitillo, Matagalpa Nicaragua. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 104–111. Retrieved from


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