Reflections on the nicaraguan caribbean coast from a historical-regional approach


  • Dimas Antonio Delgado Alemán Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN-Managua


The purpose of this article is to reflect from a regional historical focus on the autonomous regions of Nicaraguas Caribbean coast, taking into account their cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and geographic diversity. It was taken as reference the theoretical historical-regional perspective proposed by Vizcaino, who contemplates the cohesion of all factors, internal and external, that comes together in the historical evolution of a region, which combine harmoniously and they integrate as a whole. From this perspective, the study interprets that the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua with its cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and geographic diversity, can be addressed from a regional historical approach. This study will take into account the specificity of the historical evolution of this region compared to other regions of the country. A protagonist area of many events that have shaped it as a single entity, without possibility of being confused with other localities. Since its beginnings, more than five thousand years ago, in this region settled towns from the south as the chibchas and Macrochibchas, culturally different from those of the Pacific of Nicaragua that came from the north. The English presence dating from 1616 is another element different from the rest of the country. The low incidence of the Spanish and the resistance of the native peoples to any domination, are also issues that are addressed in research

Keywords: Regional history, geographical space, diversity, interdisciplinary, Caribbean coast.


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Author Biography

Dimas Antonio Delgado Alemán, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN-Managua

Maestría en Metodología de investigación por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. Docente/investigador del Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Jurídicas. Ha publicado artículos en revistas académicas.


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How to Cite

Delgado Alemán, D. A. (2017). Reflections on the nicaraguan caribbean coast from a historical-regional approach. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 49–56. Retrieved from


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