Conception of Desirable Life of the Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific, Central and Northern Nicaragua




Good Living, Nicaragua, indigenous peoples, land, identity, equity, sustainability


This paper proposes that the indigenous peoples of Nicaragua continue to practice a model of community coexistence that allows them to maintain a way of life in harmony with themselves, with others and with nature. The essential contribution of the work lies in positioning in the academic field the different conceptions of the good living (living beautifully) of the indigenous peoples of Nicaragua. The objective of the study is to unravel the conception of the good life of the peoples settled in the zone of the Pacific, Center and North of Nicaragua ((nahoa, sutiaba, chorotega and matagalpa) by asking: Does the good life of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific, Central and Northern regions of Nicaragua exist, where the survival of 22 indigenous peoples of Nahoa, Sutiaba, Matagalpa, and Chorotega descent is acknowledged? To carry out the study, four communities were selected. These communities were considered to be the most representative of the ethnic groups studied, taking into account their higher relative level of isolation, their lower degree of acculturation and the survival of their customs and traditional ways of life, so that the studies carried out could show the survival (or not) of a good ancestral life in the current daily life of these indigenous peoples: for the Nahoa people the rural community of Urbaite - Las Pilas, for the Sutiaba people the rural community of Troilo, The objective of the study is to unravel the conception of the good life of the peoples settled in the zone of the Pacific, Center and North of Nicaragua ((nahoa, sutiaba, chorotega and matagalpa) by asking: Does the good life of the indigenous peoples of the Pacific, Central and Northern regions of Nicaragua exist, where the survival of 22 indigenous peoples of Nahoa, Sutiaba, Matagalpa, and Chorotega descent is acknowledged? To carry out the study, four communities were selected. These communities were considered to be the most representative of the ethnic groups studied, taking into account their higher relative level of isolation, their lower degree of acculturation and the survival of their customs and traditional ways of life, so that the studies carried out could show the survival (or not) of a good ancestral life in the current daily life of these indigenous peoples: for the Nahoa people the rural community of Urbaite - Las Pilas, for the Sutiaba people the rural community of Troilo.


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How to Cite

Cruz Barrios, C. L. (2018). Conception of Desirable Life of the Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific, Central and Northern Nicaragua. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 52–69.



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