Re-thinking a pedagogy for peace from the University, (Reflections)




Culture of peace, common good, teaching leadership, pedagogy for peace


This work is a contribution that as academics we are making from the University on the theme of promoting a culture of peace and coexistence, since 2018 on the agenda as a result of the political crisis that was immersed in Nicaraguan society. This proposal problematizes the place and role of university professors in the search for discursive practices that channel differences and/or contradictions through civic channels, knowing that society in general wants peace in order to continue improving their material and spiritual living conditions. The purpose of this research is to answer questions such as, are we really working on an individual and/or collective agenda in terms of strengthening teacher leadership and contributing in a concrete manner to the solution of the problems facing Nicaraguan society as a result of the political crisis that began on April 18? Do we believe in the values of a culture of peace (already institutionalized through Decree-Law 985) as a convergence for the strengthening of the common good? Finally, are we developing pedagogical strategies in the classrooms for the promotion of values that contribute to a positive, constructive-positive and tolerant vision in the students, seeking to counteract the destructive discourses that the media bubbles inoculate in the minds of young people on a daily basis?


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Author Biography

José Miguel Ayerdis García, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua - Managua

Dr. En ciencias históricas, catedrático universitario, autor de distintos artículos científicos en revistas nacionales e internacionales, actualmente Director de la Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales de la UNAN-Managua.


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How to Cite

Ayerdis García, J. M. (2019). Re-thinking a pedagogy for peace from the University, (Reflections). Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 12–22.



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