Migratory and border challenges of Nicaragua and Taiwan due to the COVID 19 pandemic
Global Pandemic, COVID 19, migration, migrants, bordersAbstract
The global pandemic caused by the appearance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or known as COVID 19 since the end of 2019 has generated social, economic, political and human havoc in many countries. The previous experience of Asian countries in the management of epidemics and infectious diseases has been key for the establishment of measures that protect citizens against the new disease, however, in Latin America, there are no experiences in the control of diseases similar to that of the disease. COVID 19, which means a major challenge for Latin American countries in managing the consequences generated by this disease. Nicaragua and the Republic of China (Taiwan) have very different social and economic consequences of the pandemic in migratory processes and in the people who establish migratory processes in both. countries. The correct administration of actions to confront the disease and minimize the consequences for the most vulnerable groups is part of the actions that both countries have established as a priority, with migrants being part of them.
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