Improving reading comprehension through critical commentary, using virtual platforms




In this scientific article, the following didactic proposal is presented that implements critical commentary as a strategy for reading comprehension of stories in high school students in Nicaragua. For the development of said strategy, the use of educational virtual platforms that facilitate the educational process of students in their ability to understand stories will be incorporated. This study was developed from a problem identified during a diagnostic test that was implemented to ninth grade students of the Guardabarranco Public School. This investigative work is developed through a qualitative approach, using the survey as a data collection technique. The results obtained during the diagnosis revealed that the students presented deficiencies in the general comprehension of the story. In addition, it was found that the students surveyed showed little or no interest in reading stories in the classroom and at home. Due to this, it was decided to work on a strategy that implements critical commentary as a tool that facilitates reading comprehension of stories. The proposed reading comprehension strategy will be described where the critical commentary is implemented in a section, in addition, a didactic sequence will be exposed where the implementation of said strategy is systematized in a class session with the designated time. Finally, images and evidence of the tests carried out during the investigation will be exposed, detailing each of the components analyzed and facilitating the reader's understanding


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How to Cite

Vargas, A., Lara López, F. I. ., Urbina Reyes, S. F. ., & Mejía, C. L. . (2023). Improving reading comprehension through critical commentary, using virtual platforms. Revista Lengua Y Literatura, 9(2), 76–96.




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