The Las formas de tratamiento pronominales en Mateare, Managua: usos y actitudes lingüísticas The pronominal forms of treatment in Mateare, Managua: linguistic uses and attitudes


  • Leticia Rodríguez Investigadora independiente
  • Karla Rodríguez Investigadora independiente
  • Judith Esperanza Cisnero Loáisiga Investigadora independiente
  • Daniel Antonio Rodríguez Estrada Investigador independiente



linguistic attitude, pronominal, forms of treatment


It is well known that pronominal forms of treatment vary according to the places where they are used. Nicaragua is considered fully use of the first person pronoun vos, however, the use of the pronoun vos occurs according to the symmetric and asymmetric parameters established by Brown and Gilman (1960). This research deals with the forms of pronominal treatment vos, tú and usted used by the inhabitants in the neighborhood of José Benito Escobar in the municipality of Mateare, department of Managua, whose purpose is to dialectologically analyze the treatment in both symmetric, asymmetric and distancing relationships, also in pragmatic situations. In the same way, the treatment was studied from the perspective of the linguistic attitudes associated with these pronouns of the second person singular. For this, surveys were applied to a total of 24 informants. Among the most relevant results, we highlighted the age as a determining factor in deciding the treatment of the interlocutor, since if this is less than the sender, it is most likely that it will be treated as vos, but if it is older it will be treated as usted.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, L., Rodríguez, K., Cisnero Loáisiga, J. E., & Rodríguez Estrada, D. A. (2021). The Las formas de tratamiento pronominales en Mateare, Managua: usos y actitudes lingüísticas The pronominal forms of treatment in Mateare, Managua: linguistic uses and attitudes. Revista Lengua Y Literatura, 7(2), 1–15.


