Culture of peace, think and rethink. A response to the coup
Culture of peace, Anthropology, Soft coup, Conflict relationsAbstract
The culture of Peace, more than a concept is a philosophy, a way of seeing the world and the other, how do we realize that vision in everyday life?, the culture of peace can be understood from various possibilities and therefore would be applied to life itself in different ways. This essay seeks to reflect on this concept, vital for Nicaragua after the failed coup attempt and the need to finish off any hint of fascism, increasingly popular among some sectors as a reaction to the advancement of popular sectors in the homeland.. At first we want to address the context of the coup detat in Nicaragua, then reflect in parentheses, some elements on the relationship to the historical evolution of the concept of peace in different cultures and times; Finally, return to Nicaragua to raise some elements of this culture of peace that we are building. Finally it is important to make it clear that the writing is thought from the posture of the organic intellectual (Gramsci) and runs away from the possibility of analyzing neutrally, very fashionable among some academics.
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