Eco-protective dynamics: Healing and Apache in Nandayuri as a good living system
indigenous community, Nandayuri, community dynamics, community protagonists, good livingAbstract
This article reflects on the concepts of community protagonism and the dynamics of Eco Protector and of Sanación and Apache investigated in the community in the Comarca Nanadayuri that is part of the territory of the Indigenous People of Monimbó. As a field of study, the indigenous community has been chosen, because the purpose is to demonstrate that living well is a model of life and practice still existing in many of the indigenous cultures of Nicaragua, as well as in Latin America, although called in different way or simply practiced and not conceptualized. Listening to the voice of its population, an attempt is made to interpret the conception of desirable life in Nandayuri, registering knowledge and practices about its biological and cultural resources (biocultural heritage), values and knowledge, which are mostly transmitted and based on the oral tradition and therefore are at risk of getting lost and disappearing.
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