Feel, Express and Suffer: Reflections from the Anthropology of Health





Anthropology of health, Health, Illness, Discomfort, Narratives, Ethno-psychology


Health anthropology is the discipline that is responsible for understanding the expressions and narratives that make up feeling, suffering and expressing, about pathological symptoms, and how these are explained from the worldview of a certain context, as well as its methods and instruments to cure and prevent disease. It is from such concerns that I start towards the systematization and compilation of research that has anthropology as a reference center, transcending the field of mental health, from psychology, psychiatry and sociology, agglomerating and stressing on the positions and reflections generated by the authors. It is in this tension that feeling and expressing are situated, as two core axes to understand mental illness, understanding that the condition has variances and different nuances, according to the institutions, cultural, semiotic and linguistic dynamics, where the patient is immersed.

Author Biography

Luis Carlos Ariel Ruiz Chow, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua

Antropólogo Social en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNANManagua. Especialista en Gestiones Colaborativas y Economía Social Solidaria por el Programa INICIA. Coordinador de Educación Emocional en la Escuela de Alfabetización del Adulto Mayor (UNAM) y miembro activo de la red de Promotoría Solidaria de Juventud Sandinista.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Chow, L. C. A. (2021). Feel, Express and Suffer: Reflections from the Anthropology of Health. Raíces: Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Políticas, 126–138. https://doi.org/10.5377/raices.v5i9.11986



Antropología de la Salud

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