Evaluation of social e-learning based on learning analytics and applied in medical education


  • Leda Digión Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina
  • Margarita Álvarez Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina


This work describes and proposes the social e-learning evaluation process based on a learning analytics approach, to supervise student training through their participation and interaction on a virtual learning platform, in medical education. The aim is to design a measurement system represented with categories, variables and indicators of social e-learning; plus the visual representation of a dashboard, as an instrument operated from learning analytics.

The methodology of this research has been defined as: a first activity associated with the analytics generation process based on social e-learning; a second activity refers to the work of the students, collaboration and cooperation, in the instructional design planned by the teacher; and the third activity refers to the assembly of the dashboard for monitoring and supervising the student's participation and its degree of relevance, in the scope of the academic course. Then, the teacher and other educational actors who participates in decision-making in the institution, will be able to have information to achieve strategic objectives in relation to the approval of the course, and on curricular and didactic aspects of the university degree in medical sciences.

Key words: social e-learning, learning analytics, dashboard, medical education.



How to Cite

Digión, L., & Álvarez, M. (2024). Evaluation of social e-learning based on learning analytics and applied in medical education. Revista Ciencias De La Salud Y Educación Médica , 5(7), 29–37. Retrieved from https://revistas.unan.edu.ni/index.php/Salud/article/view/4311



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