Non-formal environmental education, a fertile opportunity for sustainable Rural Development in the Molino Norte producing basin, Matagalpa
The present essay refers to the level of preeminence that environmental education possesses from its three dimensions (formal, non-formal, informal), nevertheless this study addresses environmental education from the non-formal level, as a generator of sustainability in the Water basin Molino Norte, Matagalpa, where it is proposed the creation of a training program based on sustainability theories, rural development, joint vision, social constructivism, participatory action, bio ecological-systemic theory, environmental concern and ecological behavior.
At present, there is a legal framework constituted in forums, summits, and assemblies; at the international, national and local level, where it is possible to sign agreements and commitments agreed by most of the nations of the world. However, it must be considered that, traditionally, environmental management models have been based on a reductionist approach to environmental problems, since they have been directed more towards the correction of environmental problems than towards prevention. In addition, the implementation of isolated actions, arising from nowhere, is clearly observed, and these must really respond to theoretical and practical foundations that allow the balance between the use of the natural resource and its conservation-protection, that is to say sustainable management of the resources of the territory, of Inclusive, equitable and sustainable way to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants.
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