Application of the New School Model in the University in the Country Side Program of UNAN-MANAGUA, 2015


  • Julio Cesar Laguna Gámez UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-MATAGALPA
  • Karla Patricia Dávila Castillo UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-MATAGALPA
  • Enriqueta del Carmen Caldera Reyes UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-MATAGALPA


This article is based on the level of implementation of the New School Model in the Universidad in the Country Side program, with the application of active methodologies, where the center of the teaching-learning process is the student. The use of modular guides is important in the application of the model. The study was performed based on the engineering in sustainable rural development, in the municipality of El Tuma La Dalia, department of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. The universe under study are students and also teachers who teach the fourth class of sustainable rural development and tries to check the level of implementation of the New School Model. In the research, survey, interview and observation were executed. This model is being developed at a good level, but still prevail some features of traditional education.


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How to Cite

Laguna Gámez, J. C., Dávila Castillo, K. P., & Caldera Reyes, E. del C. (2015). Application of the New School Model in the University in the Country Side Program of UNAN-MANAGUA, 2015. Revista Torreón Universitario, 4(11), 68–77. Retrieved from

