Design of a heuristic to solve the problem of Two-dimensional Rectangular Cut by the Method of Guillotine


  • Jairo José Flores Morales UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CHONTALES
  • Michel Roberto Traña Tablada UNAN-MANAGUA, FAREM-CHONTALES


This work focuses on the development of a heuristic to solve the problem efficiently, of two-dimensional cutting of plates using the method of the guillotine, offering a cutting plan that minimizes the number of plates to be used; therefore, it can satisfy the demand for each type of piece. Such heuristic has been developed in two phases, the first obtained an initial solution and in the second solution the first solution is improved. This heuristic was tested by means of an instance that allows you to see the improved solution algorithm with three conditions: length, width and demand. Heuristics was worked in C++ as part of a work order module PhD in applied mathematics, which seeks to resolve many applications of our own field of study.


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How to Cite

Flores Morales, J. J., Bravo Rivas, J., & Traña Tablada, M. R. (2015). Design of a heuristic to solve the problem of Two-dimensional Rectangular Cut by the Method of Guillotine. Revista Torreón Universitario, 4(11), 16–27. Retrieved from




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