Personality Dimensions and Work Stress in Nursing Professionals at the Santiago Regional School Hospital




Personality Dimensions, Work-related stress, Growth curve


The activities of nursing staff demand tasks that expose them to extreme stress in the organizational environment, and work stress is one of the effects that arise from a mismatch between the individual's abilities and the demands of his or her job. The activities of nursing staff demand tasks that expose them to extreme stress in the organizational environment, and work stress is one of the effects that arise from a mismatch between the individual's abilities and the demands of his or her job. The present research seeks to evaluate the predictive effect of personality dimensions on the levels of work stress in these professionals. The present research seeks to evaluate the predictive effect of personality dimensions on the levels of work stress in these professionals. This study was carried out from a descriptive approach, and longitudinal design represented in a growth curve model that modeled the change of stress over time; The instruments used were Maslach's Burnout Inventory that measured stress levels and Eysenck's Personality Inventory was used to measure neuroticism, extraversion, and psychoticism. The results revealed that the personality dimensions in which the participants obtained the highest score were in Psychoticism, as 43.2% of the participants presented high scores and 40.5% very high, while for the dimensions of extraversion and Neuroticism the predominant scores were low and average.


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How to Cite

Cerda Baltodano, J. A., Herrera Calero, O. F., & Amador Jiménez, D. E. (2024). Personality Dimensions and Work Stress in Nursing Professionals at the Santiago Regional School Hospital. Revista Torreón Universitario, 13(36), 123–132.



Health and Social services

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