Musculoskeletal disorders in the outpatient medical staff of the Amistad Japón Nicaragua Musculoskeletal disorders in the outpatient medical staff of the Amistad medical clinic Japan Nicaragua, Granada associated with occupational illness
Symptoms, Musculoskeletal, Medical personnelAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the musculoskeletal disorders of the outpatient medical staff of the Amistad Japan Nicaragua social security medical clinic, Granada January 2023.
Methodological design: an observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out with 30 doctors from the outpatient clinic of the Friendship Japan Nicaragua pension medical clinic. In which two instruments were used, the first consisted of an interview that allows us to identify sociodemographic characteristics of the medical staff, as well as characteristics of musculoskeletal disorders, and the second instrument consisted of the application of the Nordic questionnaire, which is a valid instrument to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in regions of the body, both upper extremities, thorax and lower extremities
Result: The predominant age range was 31 to 40 years (56.7%), male sex (56.7%), work experience of 6 to 10 years (40%), job position and working hours, general practitioners work 8 hours ( 50%), medical personnel with musculoskeletal symptoms (86.7%), pain in some part of the body, shoulder (33.3%), perceived discomfort was pain (20%), predominant musculoskeletal disorder was shoulder tendonitis (33.3% ), sex relationship and presence of musculoskeletal disorder in the female sex (100%); age and musculoskeletal disorder relationship between 31 to 40 years (56.6%); relationship between work experience and musculoskeletal disorder between 6 to 10 years. Conclusions: Musculoskeletal disorders predominate more in the female sex, it was evident that the longer the staff's work experience between 6 to 10 years, the greater the symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Regarding musculoskeletal disorders, the age was between 31 to 40 years, the location of the pain was the shoulder, and it was found that musculoskeletal disorders are frequent in outpatient medical personnel, affecting the majority with shoulder tendonitis.
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