Obstacles and facilitators present in the teleconsultation provided at the Military Hospital, Managua, Nicaragua, 2022





Teleconsultation, telemedicine, obstacle, facilitator


Teleconsultation has become an increasing valuable method for the provision of health services and has gained importance since the Covid-19 pandemic. In its implementation, obstacles to its effectiveness arise, but, at the same time, there are facilitators that enhance its adoption and use. Therefore, understanding these obstacles and facilitators is crucial for the success and sustainability of teleconsultation. The present research was conducted with the objective of identifying obstacles and facilitators in teleconsultation as a virtual care modality in the Hospital Militar Escuela Dr. Alejandro Dávila Bolaños (HMADB), Managua, Nicaragua in the period from October to December 2022. The research was conducted with a qualitative-quantitative approach, generating a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Data were collected by applying a 22-question survey to determine the socio-labor characteristics of the sample, determine the perceived obstacles and facilitators, and describe the degree of satisfaction of the professionals involved; the instrument was applied to 36 physicians working in teleconsultation. The results reflect that 30.6% of the physicians indicate that teleconsultation at HMADB arose as a result of the pandemic in order to guarantee patient safety and, since then, they highlight that the main barriers are the absence of training and lack of knowledge of the virtual health standard. On the other hand, among the facilitators, they mention the alignment of teleconsultation with institutional objectives, the sustainability of the project, and the ease of use of ICTs. To maximize the quality of the service, the institution should correctly manage the obstacles and facilitators encountered, seeking to increase the satisfaction of the professionals involved in the teleconsultation and, in due course, to implement it in other healthcare areas.


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How to Cite

Rivas Barahona, M. L., & Hurtado, M. J. (2023). Obstacles and facilitators present in the teleconsultation provided at the Military Hospital, Managua, Nicaragua, 2022. Revista Científica Estelí, 12(46), 22–39. https://doi.org/10.5377/farem.v12i46.16474




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