Analysis of administrative conciliation to resolve disputes regarding family in the municipality of Managua
Family Law, administrative conciliation, socio-legal factors, users, family disputesAbstract
The study was developed in order to legally analyze administrative conciliation in the area of Family Law, for the municipality of Managua. This investigation has a qualitative approach and is also legal-sociological in nature, since the interaction of social and legal factors is studied. Likewise, according to its level of depth, it is descriptive, due to the use of information collection techniques used such as the interview with a Conciliator from the Ministry of Family, Adolescence and Children; the focus group applied to litigation lawyers who are experts in Family Law; Surveys carried out on users of family administrative conciliation and documentary analysis of Nicaraguan legislation, specifically Law 870, Family Code, are a cross-sectional study, because the problem under study was carried out in a specific period of time. In the data analysis, it was possible to verify that administrative conciliation in family matters in most situations reaches partial agreements, with the success of family administrative conciliation being mainly dependent on communication, understanding and the ability to reach an agreement. by those involved, which has a direct consequence on the possibility of strengthening interpersonal relationships in the search for family reconciliation. This work provides a basis for future research and policies aimed at strengthening the family conciliation system in Nicaragua
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