Depression in intern students of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua, II semester 2017
Depression, young, instrument, Beck Scale, moodAbstract
This article is born out of the results of the monographic study to opt for the Bachelor¨s Degree in Psychology, entitled Sociodemographic Factors and Depression in internal students of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua, II semester 2017, which aimed to analyze the sociodemographic sactors and depression in internal students of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua UNAN-MANAGUA, II semester 2017. At present, the number of young people with a Depressive Mood and its main sociodemographic characteristics is captured, such information was obtained by means of the psychometric instrument Beck Depression Inventory and a sociodemographic characterization card, which were applied to the internal students of the Faculty of Sciences and Engineering; This work is made up of a sample of 56 people who have some level of Depression, this according to the results obtained from the aforementioned instrument. In relation to the levels of depression experienced by boarding students, it was concluded that 48.7% of the participants presented a Depressive mood, of which 51.8% presented a Slight Disturbance of the Mood and 1.8% a moderate level of depression; in terms of sociodemographic characteristics, it is emphasized that women have more prevalence in the manifestation of depressive states and the age range of these students ranges from 19 to 21 years old. It is also emphasized that half of the participants are single and without children, most of them work.
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