Housing conditions and their effect on the health of residents of the Hugo Chávez neighborhood





Infrastructure, Living place, Health, population, Wellness


The study is about the house conditions and the effects on the health of the habitants of sector three of the Hugo Chávez neighborhood. The purpose is to identify the infrastructure components and to determine how that affects the health of the residents. This is a qualitative with an interpretive paradigm study; it belongs to descriptive exploratory type. For the selection of informants, non-probabilistic sampling was used, and techniques such as interviews, focus groups, observation and documentary review were performed. Among the main results were found that the roof of the house is made of zinc, but in bad conditions, allowing water filtration; on the other hand, the walls are made of zinc and the ground floor causing constant humidity; and causing at the same time affectations such as diseases, unhealthiness, stress, depression, floods, and family conflicts; These results showed that housing conditions harm the health of the population.


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Author Biography

Maryel Karolina Bravo Calderón, Consultora educativa, Nicaragua

Licenciada en Trabajo Social, por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. Managua. UNAN-Managua. Master en Docencia universitaria con enfoque en la investigación. Diplomado interdisciplinario en estudios socioculturales, curso de inducción a la metodología interdisciplinaria, presentación de investigación en Jornada Científica y reconocimiento por alto desempeño académico. Experiencia en ejecuciones de proyectos sociales, evaluaciones de tesis a nivel de grado y maestría, consultora en organizaciones sociales, colaboradora en elaboración de documentos (manuales) para trabajar con familia y niñez y elaboración de propuestas metodológicas con enfoque lúdico


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How to Cite

Bravo Calderón, M. K. (2019). Housing conditions and their effect on the health of residents of the Hugo Chávez neighborhood. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 35–44. https://doi.org/10.5377/hcs.v0i13.8834



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