Visions of Change in the Current World Order: What future awaits small countries?




New World Order, Macro Politics, Small Countries


This article critically reflects from a perspective which is called here the underside of history perspective about the supposed need to create a new world order found in speeches of the world macro politics. It is argued that the statement of the need to create such a new order is widely spread at present, and it should be thoroughly examined by the small countries of the world if they are to maintain their sovereignty in the coming future. It is also shown that the vision of the new world order found in those speeches hides the tendency toward power concentration, and of the possibility to deepen the subordination of the small countries of the planet.


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Author Biography

Moises Medrano Garay, Consultor Independiente

Master en Teología, Actualmente cursa un doctorado en filosofía en la Universidad de Ratisbona.


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How to Cite

Medrano Garay, M. (2020). Visions of Change in the Current World Order: What future awaits small countries?. Revista Humanismo Y Cambio Social, 85–98.



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