Electronic plagiarism: the other side of the APA
Plagiarism copy, fraud, copy and paste, original, transmitter, receiverAbstract
This essay regards about electronic plagiarism. It consisted in three parts. At the beginning plagiarism is approached from epistemic scope that has not direct relation with truth as adequacy through a scientific procedure looking for results related to a subject and object. Secondly it is analysed since the ethic point of view that function as penalty, rules and duties respect to an original or fraud. Later it is analysed the aesthetic aspect where can be found its complexity. Also as with originals artworks, mechanical or electronically reproduction, stripped of all singularity and open it to the new power of users participation, as Walter Banjamin stressed, sending it back to epistemic field. Finally three scenarios are presented to counteract: conservative, negotiator and open or conservative, negotiator and open or ethical scenarios.
Revista Humanismo y Cambio Social. Número 7. Año 3. Enero - Junio 2016:8-18
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