Simulation of the recharge process for groundwater using Artificial Neural Networks as an Approximation Method in the Las Sierras Aquifer, Nicaragua
Hydrogeology, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Machine Learning (ML)Abstract
The knowledge of hydrogeologial system functionality, is a vital importance for its management and sustainable development. One of the variables and main input it feeds this system is Recharge (R) product of precipitation (P). The purpose of this study is desing a No Lineal Regresor Model using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). For the above, with INETER data collected, it was estimate R using input variables for instance: precipitation (P), soil textures and other known environmental variables in Managua Aquifer. With the information collected, data exploration or 'Data mining' was carried out through descriptive statistics, which allows presenting, interpreting and analyzing the data in a comprehensive way. Using the Python programming language (Rossum, 1991) and the JupyterLab work environment, the ANN elements were developed through the Scikit-Learn library or better known as Sklearn (Cournapeau, 2010). After the iterations and settings of hyperparameters, a better fit will be improved using the cost function, which determines the error between the estimated value and the observed value, in order to optimize the parameters of ANN. At the end, the final configurations of ANN are indicated for each soil texture.
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