Socio-emotional construction of retirement in female university teachers, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. 2020




emotions, retirement, woman, old age, experiences


When women retire, changes occur in all areas, leaving their working life behind, now they have to organize themselves with their new retiree status. The study investigates how retired university teachers live and build the social reality around their retirement, how their expectations regarding retirement and old age are intertwined. These results will make it possible to discover the elements that intervene in the social-emotional construction, from their experience and around their expectations and assessments regarding retirement. The qualitative paradigm was used, through the phenomenological method; creating categories through the data collected through in-depth interviews.

The results indicate that retired women conceptualize old age as a process associated with their mental faculties that can be natural or pathological. Experiences related to freedom and the need to carry out projects during retirement are identified; Likewise, they present diverse emotions and feelings such as: joy, satisfaction, sadness, uncertainty and fear of the new change in life.

Retirement has a great impact on retired teachers, suffering from a situation of mourning; Therefore, it is necessary to plan workshops and intergenerational meetings aimed at retirees and early retirees where the setting is the University; fostering reflection on the social representations of aging, old age and retirement.


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How to Cite

Reyes Álvarez, S., Pastorino, M. S., & Pérez Guerrero, I. G. . (2022). Socio-emotional construction of retirement in female university teachers, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua. 2020. Revista Torreón Universitario, 11(31), 105–118.



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