Experimental prototype in the demonstration of the continuity equation in differential and integral form
Prototype, Continuity, Vectors, Integrals, DifferentialAbstract
This paper aims to present a prototype of experimental work that demonstrates the continuity equation in its differential and integral form, considering vectors. Which allows the development of capacities, skills, abilities, attitudes, and values necessary to obtain, interpret, and process information. Experimental work prototypes should be designed in a way that addresses content effectively. This study is aimed at researchers, teachers, and students from various engineering, physics, and mathematics careers, as it will be of great help in understanding the fundamental principles of mass conservation in fluid systems, something common in the field of fluid dynamics and fluid mechanics. The line of research focuses on the application of exact sciences, physics, and applied mathematics, to establish links between different subjects. This study uses a mixed approach, combining qualitative and quantitative elements to gain a complete understanding of the topic. Techniques typical of this type of research are used, such as the review of documents, books, and journals, addressing each of them individually to establish generalities. The research group is committed to evaluating this work using an evaluation rubric, which ensures its reliability and effectiveness for other researchers and people interested in the topic. It is expected that the results obtained will contribute to knowledge in this scientific field.
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