Impacto de la erosión costera en comunidades del Litoral Sur de la RAACN posterior a ETA e IOTA


  • Marjorie Toruño Álvarez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, UNAN-Managua CIGEO

Palabras clave:

Erosión costera, índice, impactos, cambio climático


This study presents the results of the analysis of the     impact of Coastal Erosion, which, for the purposes of this Article, shall be referred to as EC, following the     passage of hurricanes ETA and IOTA in 8 communities     of the southern coast of the Northern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region, composed by Karatá and Wawa     Bar in the municipality of Puerto Cabezas; Haulover, Wautha Bar, Walpasiksa, Barra de Prinzapolka, Samil  and Ariswatla, in the municipality of Prinzapolka. The   main objective was to identify the impact levels in terms   of Coastal Erosion left by the passage of hurricanes ETA and IOTA in these communities.





Cómo citar

Toruño Álvarez, M. . (2022). Impacto de la erosión costera en comunidades del Litoral Sur de la RAACN posterior a ETA e IOTA. Revista Compromiso Social, 4(8), 129–134. Recuperado a partir de




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