COVID-19 and adultcentrism in public policy in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico
Adult centrism, vulnerability, childhood, public policies, COVID-19Abstract
The COVID-19 pandemic left evidence that governments were not fully prepared to face a health situation like the one experienced between 2020 and 2022. The effects and damage that occurred during the contingency and confinement at fi rst glance seemed to have affected the entire population equally, however, this paper analyzes through two issues: orphanhood by COVID-19 and the National Day of Sana Distancia, which, in a specifi c region of Mexico, there were conditions of adult centrism in the management of public policy related to the pandemic. In this sense, contagion figures in childhood and adult groups were reviewed, as well as the different programs that were implemented to establish that childhood was a group to a certain extent ignored by the policies implemented. It is concluded that there is evidence of adult credism in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic by both the Mexican federal government and the state governments of Campeche, Quintana Roo, and Yucatán.
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