Interdisciplinary relationship of the didactics of mathematics as a science in favor of development and applicability with others subjects.


  • Rigoberto Jarquín Matamoros


Interdisciplinarity, didactics, Mathematics, Research, Learning


This essay explains how the didactics of mathematics establishes an interdisciplinary relationship with other subjects, thus linking itself as a science that highlights the development in other disciplines in a general way, taking mathematical analysis, in terms of logic, operational processes and  problem solving, that is why the implementation of didactic strategies applied in mathematics is innovative, but that these can also be applied after the use of interdisciplinary, constituting a very practical way of strengthening relationships with the objectives, Contents and form of  evaluation and without forgetting the skills  investigative studies that are developed throughout the process for an ideal update of knowledge in all those involved.  However, if it is spoken at the secondary or higher level, a very effective integration of learning is conceived following as a line of action meaningful learning in  all student moment  and is taken up again in the teaching planning, in the analysis of the application of join classes, relating as an example the morphosyntactic of sentences  with mathematical problems, the learning of vocabulary and grammatical structure in English with mathematical situations and leaving the individuality of the subjects.


García , R. (1994). Interdisciplinariedad y sistemas complejos. Ciencias sociales y formación ambiental, 25.

Hernández Requena, S. (octubre de 2008). El modelo constructivista con las nuevas tecnologias aplicado en el proceso de aprendizaje. Universities and knowledge Society Journal, 5(2), 26-35.

Ortega Duarte, R. M. & Jarquín Matamoro R. F. (2017). Tipos de evaluación y aprendizaje de la matemática séptimo grado matutino, Colegio Rubén Darío, Rio Blanco, segundo semestre 2016 (Doctoral dissertation, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua).



How to Cite

Jarquín Matamoros, R. (2021). Interdisciplinary relationship of the didactics of mathematics as a science in favor of development and applicability with others subjects. Revista Científica Tecnológica - ISSN: 2708-7093, 4(1), 27–33. Retrieved from



Education and Humanities Sciences