Reproductive sexual behavior in nursing students




sexuality, reproduction, sexual initiation, sexual practices


The main objective of this article is to describe the reproductive sexual behavior of fifth year nursing students at POLISAL UNAN Managua, in order to approach their perspectives, analyzing the biological and psychosocial processes involved in reproductive sexual health; as a starting point in the implementation of more youth-friendly programs or spaces that promote full sexuality. An online survey was applied to 75 students, whose data was processed in SPSS version 25; during the quantitative phase of the study with a mixed approach of knowledge and experiences about reproductive sexual health of nursing students. The results reflect that the majority of those surveyed are over 20 years of age, single, heterosexual, with sexual initiation between the ages of 16-19 and who have had two or more sexual partners; In addition, they practice the Catholic religion, followed by the Evangelical. Half of the group studied used a condom in their first sexual relation and they do not have children; Among the most frequent sexual practices is vaginal sex and sometimes oral sex and masturbation.


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How to Cite

Obando González, A. I., Barquero Morales, W., Reyes Álvarez, S., Pérez Guerrero, . I. G., & Cáceres Carcache, J. G. (2024). Reproductive sexual behavior in nursing students. Revista Torreón Universitario, 13(36), 133–141.



Health and Social services