"A look at informal learning in Secondary Education"
New technologies, Informal learning, Personal learning environments (EPA), Informal learning strategiesAbstract
It is evident that new technologies have provided a new learning environment in Secondary Education, which has resulted in students acquiring learning informally within the formal environment. This essay reveals through theoretical bases the main aspects of how informal learning develops within classrooms, associating the reflection of the undeniable relevance that this type of learning has today in the academic training of Education students. Secondary, even though they are probably not fully aware that it exists. Also, it is exposed how personal learning environments (EPA) have provided a number of tools that facilitate the development of the informal environment where students currently operate, mainly to search, modify, create and share information, actions carried out. in a self-motivated and self-directed way. It is in this informal environment where students on their own initiative apply a series of learning strategies, precisely named informal learning strategies, which are aimed at the search for knowledge, in a more fun and meaningful way for their lives.
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