Study Case of Two University Education Systems in Two Leading Countries in the World
Study case, university edcucation systems, REAU, LSUAbstract
This case study focuses on higher education systems in two leading countries in the world: The United States of America (USA) and Russia. These countries were selected because they are leading countries in the world in the economic, political and military fields. In practice, the Russian State Agrarian University (former Moscow Agricultural Academy “Timiriazev)” and Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge (LSU) were chosen. The objective was to detail a set of aspects that, in the opinion of this author, contribute decisively to the comprehensive professional training of its graduates. Twelve aspects were identified to be analyzed. The results of the analysis show that both universities provide a high level of support through the 12 aspects valued. It is concluded that there are more similarities than differences in the education systems of both universities studied. Secondly, it is concluded that the objective seems to keep the attention of the students very focused on the studies during the years of training at these universities. Third, it is concluded that any university transformation process must be seen as an integral and holistic activity where all aspects must be tackled with the same level of importance to achieve an effective transformation.
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