The surgical mask as a new biological pollutant in our environment
Surgical masks, biological contaminants, ecosystemsAbstract
In the new post-pandemic public health context, the use of masks is one of the protection measures against the COVID-19 pandemic (coronavirus disease 2019). The type of mask, how to use it and remove it correctly during the new reality of living with the coronavirus, has generated controversy in many sectors, the population has been forced to comply with certain prevention measures against COVID 19, one of them it is the physical distancing, hand washing and use of surgical masks without forgetting its other variants such as KN95, N95, masks made of handmade fabrics with filters. In this essay we propose that especially the disposable surgical mask represents an over-added problem to public health within the ecosystem approach where it directly affects the environment, it was observed in the streets of the city of Matagalpa these masks were disposed of incorrectly, in garbage dumps , gutters, platforms, tables among others, in addition to becoming inorganic garbage, it fulfills other negative and harmful functions directly to human health, serving as potential biological reservoirs not only for COVID 19, but also for other respiratory diseases, from the common flu to diseases more complex like tuberculosis.
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