Good practices in entrepreneurship from universities. systematization of entrepreneurship in the Multidisciplinary Regional Faculty of Carazo, UNAN - Managua


  • Raúl Alberto Medrano Chávez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo
  • José Daniel Guido Chávez National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, Managua. Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Carazo



Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Entrepreneurial culture


This document contains a description of the 23-year history of the Multidisciplinary Regional Faculty of Carazo, training young people with a creative, innovative vision, through an entrepreneurial culture. The description is from personal experience as a student participating in the Entrepreneurship Fair I during 1998, as an entrepreneur during 1999 and as a teacher since 2020.

Since its inception , an entrepreneurial culture  has  been promoted in students  of this faculty, thanks to the correct vision of directors and teachers, first of all in the economic sciences department and currently in all careers and programs such as Universidad en el Campo. There have been university fairs for entrepreneurs, multidisciplinary research to strengthen the business plans established enterprises, business plan designs with a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship so that students consider them as an alternative for generating income.

Through the extension, the faculty has transcended in train strategic social groups on entrepreneurship, it has participated in international and national competitions, obtaining much recognition, responding to the needs of the contexts at different times. Achieving significant influence on the sustainable political, economic and social development of the country.


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How to Cite

Medrano Chávez, R. A. ., & Guido Chávez, J. D. (2023). Good practices in entrepreneurship from universities. systematization of entrepreneurship in the Multidisciplinary Regional Faculty of Carazo, UNAN - Managua. Revista Torreón Universitario, 12(35), 6–14.


